About Us

Our Vision

We deepen our connection to universal wisdom, consciously working in synergy with all life and energy, creating a thriving earth and community including ourselves, our children and the generations to come.

  • Our Values

    At Quantum Leap Subtle Energy, we embrace simplicity, whole-heartedness, integrity, trust, and openness. We infuse our work with fun, joy, courage, and grace, ensuring professionalism and inclusivity in all our endeavours.

  • Our Mission

    We provide educational, inspirational and practical programs and events; tailored support through mentoring, consulting and a buoyant peer community; and integrated pathways to becoming a subtle energy practitioner.

Established in 2010 by the pioneering regenerative agricultural company Resource Consulting Services (RCS) and international practitioner Dr Patrick MacManaway, the Quantum Leap program is founded on subtle energy awareness.

During 2023, the program was transitioned to a new company, Quantum Leap Subtle Energy Limited (QLSE).

QLSE is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. It has been funded 100% by generous contributions from past alumni and is supported largely by volunteer time and energy. We welcome additional financial (and other) support – the stronger we are financially, the more work we can do.

It is exciting that we have such a talented team on the Board and Advisory Committee and that we have youth on our side. 

 As a not -for -profit company we exist for the benefit of our members; hence it is important that all participants in any aspect of the program join the community and become members.

This website is a culmination of all the work done to date and reflects our aspirations for the future.

Join us on this journey to harness the power of subtle energy and unlock new possibilities.

  • Who We Are

    Quantum Leap Subtle Energy is a dynamic community of individuals from all walks of life, including many farmers and people with experience in other subtle energy modalities. We believe in the power of reconnecting with the energy of everything. We can heal and enhance landscapes, homes, businesses and ourselves. By evolving our intuition, keeping an open mind and recognising the power of our thoughts in shaping reality, we can unlock untapped potential and thrive. Together, we form a community dedicated to growth, transformation, synergy and positive change. We invite you to explore the potential of subtle energy with us at Quantum Leap.

  • Riding on the Wind-horse

    We resonate deeply with indigenous peoples’ concept of the ‘wind horse’—being in the flow of life, carrying the spirit of love, with aligned energy and purpose. Our journey mirrors this divine inspiration. Since 2010, the Quantum Leap program has made a significant impact, particularly in the farming world where connection with nature is paramount. Today, the time has come for Quantum Leap to spread its wings and soar into the world. We're not just witnessing the birth of a venture; we're manifesting a wave of change—a movement that is timely, necessary and critical. Join us as we embrace the wind-horse and navigate this exciting journey together.