We have a team of practitioners available year-round to support you, and from time to time we welcome Dr Patrick MacManaway back to Australia for an incredible roadshow of workshops and consultations.
Our Australian practitioners are trained by Patrick, are also practitioners in other subtle energy modalities and are recognised by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.
Quantum Leap Subtle Energy practitioners from left Garry McDouall, Deb McBryde, Dr Patrick MacManaway, Kim Kiss and Gem Green with RCS founder and initiator of the Quantum Leap program, Dr Terry McCosker OAM.
Clients who have Benefited from Subtle Energy Work
Individual people, families and homes
Farms, animals and a wide range of agricultural endeavours
Property development and management companies
Medical facilities and holistic therapy centres
Schools and colleges
Corporate offices and financial services companies
Retail businesses, restaurants and cafes
Gardens, park areas and waterways
‘Our family businesses range from property investments and development to farming. We have engaged Patrick and the practitioners he has mentored across all our endeavours and the results have been extraordinary. Above all, things seem to flow when they are energetically in balance.
Subtle energy is a vital tool in our lives and for our business activities.’
Rob Waterson, Calliope, QLD
On-Site Consultation
Experience the transformative power of subtle energy with an on-site consultation. This includes three months of ongoing evaluation, correction and support. Become involved and be part of the process as our practitioners enhance and harmonise your space and everything within it.
Discuss your challenges, concerns, vision and goals. The practitioner will ask questions to understand the history and full context. There will be a physical assessment including a tour to understand the property. Maps will be used as part of the evaluation.
The practitioner will undertake an energy assessment, looking at the overall life-force, identify imbalances, residual energies and begin the process of remediation. High energy points across the property (that may be used for enhancements) will be identified.
Some of the evaluation and healing takes time and will be tended over a three-month period. This allows for your on-going engagement, builds confidence and empowers you with a base from which to grow your knowledge. It enables you to be part of evaluation, correction and enhancement into the future.
Includes full-day tailored consultation plus 3 months’ follow-up support as described above.
Dr Patrick MacManaway's fee structure is as follows. Please contact your local practitioner to discuss their fees.
Full day on-site subtle energy consultation plus 3 months’ follow-up support $3,800 inc. GST
House/business site remediation: Quoted by individual job
‘2023 was a particularly tough year, we were feeding ewes right through pregnancy and all of lambing. Despite this, the lambing and weaning percentages held up surprisingly well and the lambs were some of the best we have bred. I doubt that would have happened prior to engaging QLSE. We have found the team great to deal with, and the skills we have learnt from them have given us the confidence to continue the work largely on our own.
Working with subtle energy has become an important part of farm management for us and we are excited to see what the future will bring.’
Scott and Catie Macansh, Deepwater, NSW
Remote Consultation Package
Remote Consulting is an option when it’s not practical to do the subtle energy work in situ. It is quite mind-blowing that this work can be done at a distance, however, experience tells us that transformative change can take place in this way.
Remote Consulting is available as a 3 or 12-month commitment.
Discuss your challenges, concerns, vision and goals. The practitioner will ask questions to understand the history and full context. In lieu of a physical assessment, we will use maps, photos and any other material that is at hand.
The practitioner will undertake an energy assessment, look at the overall life force, identify imbalances and residual energies and begin the process of remediation. High energy points across the property (which may be used for enhancements) will be identified.
Zoom calls will be scheduled as an when appropriate and will be designed to include you in the process.
Remote consultation packages are tailored to suit your needs and timeframes and are available from all practitioners.
Dr Patrick MacManaway's fee structure is as follows. Please contact your local practitioner to discuss their fees.
Remote consultation plus 3 months’ follow-up support $2,500 inc. GST
Remote consultation plus 12 months’ follow-up support $4,400 inc. GST
‘After attending our first Quantum Leap workshop in 2011 we had Patrick and Garry consult on our property several times to enhance and balance the energies across the land.
We had significant yield increases and no insect attack in a sorghum crop by energising water that was added to the liquid inject system during planting.
We were having many incidences of petty crime and by placing a bubble of protection over our land to exclude anyone with ‘ill intent’, we have not had an incident for 14 years.
We repeated the course in early 2024 and gained a much greater understanding and now have an overall increase in well-being and purpose knowing we are spiritually connecting to nature.’
Richard and Janet Doyle, Boggabilla, QLD